Apple’s New Map, Expansion #19
Hong Kong, Slovakia, & Taiwan
June 2023

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After forty-five days of public testing, Apple’s new map data was expanded to Hong Kong, Slovakia, and Taiwan on June 16, 2023:

This is the nineteenth time Apple has expanded its new map data since its public launch in September 2018:

Hong Kong and Taiwan are the second and third areas in East Asia, after Singapore, to receive Apple’s new map. And with the additiona of Slovakia, Apple’s new map data now covers all of western and central Europe—except Denmark.

After five years of expansions, Apple’s new map data now covers 20.2% of Earth’s land area and 11.6% of the global population (i.e., 922 million people worldwide) across thirty-three countries.



Given the history of Apple’s data collection efforts and other past patterns, Denmark and Greece are the countries most likely to receive Apple’s new map data next.


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