Number of Daily Map Updates
Google Maps & Apple Maps
As of July 2021


In late May 2021, Google quietly updated its “Google Maps Platform” website to say that Google Maps now receives “50 million updates daily”—up from “25 million data updates daily”. (Google first said that Google Maps was receiving 50 million updates daily back in a November 2020 press release.)

Google Maps first claimed to have “25 million data updates daily” back in March 2018. And back in December 2012, Google said that Google Maps receives “tens of thousands” of updates daily.


To my knowledge, Apple has never publicly shared how many updates are made to Apple Maps each day.

That said, Apple executives told John Gruber during a February 12, 2016 podcast that Apple had made more than 2.5 million corrections to Apple Maps since its September 2012 launch:

We’ve corrected more than 2.5 million customer feedback that we’ve gotten from customers directly to maps that we’ve corrected and notified them back that we fixed them. [23:10]

This gives Apple an average of 2,015 corrections per day for the 1,241 days between Apple Maps’s launch (September 19, 2012) and the date of the podcast recording (February 12, 2016).

Two years later, in June 2018, Apple told TechCrunch that it had made “millions of changes”, had added “millions of locations”, and had started “updating the map and changing the map more frequently”.

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⚠️ This page will be updated if/when Google or Apple release updated figures.